PVACCEPT - Research Project Design Photovoltaics  

Innovative Moduls
Demonstration Objects
Solar information board
  Solar quotation board
Solar flags
Solar pergola

Life Cycle Assessment
Itinerant Exhibition
Book Solar Design





of the Arts


Solar Quotation Board at the city wall in Marbach am Neckar (Germany)

In agreement with the relevant monument protection authority, a solar board, comprising nine oversized (1.20 m x 1.20 m) thin-film modules was mounted onto the historical city wall of Marbach am Neckar. The same method of module colour design that was used in the project in La Spezia, Italy, was also applied in this project. To ensure optical harmony with the natural stone of the historical city wall, the structure and colours of the wall were adopted as background design for the modules. The basic pattern of all nine modules is identical.

The board is supported by a custom-made structure comprising aluminium profiles. The distance between the modules and the wall surface is approximately 15 cm, thus ensuring sufficient ventilation behind the modules.

Additionally, the centre of the 3.60 m x 3.60 m board bears a quotation from Friedrich Schiller, who was born in Marbach am Neckar. The quotation, which was chosen by communal representatives "Der gebildete Mensch macht die Natur zu seinem Freund (An educated man takes nature as his friend)" concurs with the environmentally friendly, resource saving solar technology.

The installation, erected in 2004, is equipped with an automatic data logging system that measures power generation and consumption and can be used to call up and check the data at any time.


Solar quotation plate

Solar quotation plate

Solar quotation plate

Photography: UdK Berlin