PVACCEPT - Research Project Design Photovoltaics  

Innovative Moduls
Demonstration Objects
  Solar information board
Solar quotation board
Solar flags
Solar pergola

Life Cycle Assessment
Itinerant Exhibition
Book Solar Design






Solar Information Board at Castello San Giogio in La Spezia (Italy)

The protected monument castle "San Giorgio" in La Spezia houses an archaeological museum. The original museum information banner which sat beside the entrance was replaced with a board consisting of six oversized (1.20 m x 1.20 m) photovoltaic modules in thin-film technology. The original design of the banner was adapted and re-interpreted artistically. The innovative idea of screen-printing an even matrix of dots onto the modules using weather resistant ceramic colour was developed by PVACCEPT and applied here for the first time. The original banner design was copied and newly interpreted.

The installation with a total size of 2.40 m x 3.60 m is fixed to the castle wall at very few points and with approximately 10 cm distance from the wall. In this way the historical masonry is impacted upon as little as possible, as was stipulated by the relevant monument protection authority. The minimal self-supporting structure, comprising steel and aluminium sections, is a custom-made design.

The electrical power generated by the solar panels, is stored in a battery located in the entrance hall of the museum and used to operate a newly installed, energy saving spotlight in the ground that illuminates the information board at night.

The installation, erected in 2004, is equipped with an automatic data logging system that measures power generation and consumption and can be used to call up and check the data at any time.


Solar information plate

Solar information plate

Solar information plate

Solar information plate

Photography: UdK Berlin